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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Date Category Description Long Description PDF
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12/5/2023 State Inflation Reduction Act: Businesses Cutting Business Energy Costs for a Greener Future Though much of the Inflation More ...
12/5/2023 State Inflation Reduction Act: Home Save Money on Clean Energy Upgrades to Your Home, Business, or Vehicle New York More ...
11/7/2023 State Goldstein v Village of Mamaroneck Supreme Court of the State of New York
Appellate Division: Second Judicial Depa More ...
Court Decision Web Link
8/1/2022 State NYS COOG Open Meetings Law The public has the right to attend meetings of public bodies, listen to debate a More ...
Court Decision Web Link
8/1/2022 State NYS COOG Freedom of Information Law The public's right to gain access to government records.
Court Decision Web Link